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Appel à contributions

Gendered Cultures at the Crossroads of Imagination, Knowledge and Politics

Avant le 15 septembre

Date de mise en ligne : [02-09-2008]

7th European Feminist Research Conference

June 4-7 2009 Utrecht, The Netherlands

The 7th European Feminist Research Conference is an international event based on cutting-edge scholarship. The conference will reflect a diversity of feminist and gender studies research incorporating perspectives from across the broad spectrum of the humanities and social sciences. The focus is on the way in which knowledge, politics, and the imagination inform gendered cultures in contemporary Europe.

European Feminist Research Conferences usually have more than 500 participants from both inside and outside of Europe. The Conference has a track record of presenting innovative feminist scholarly work with critical perspectives on contemporary Europe. This triennial conference is this time organised by Athena (Advanced Thematic Network in Activities in Women’s studies in Europe), Gender Studies Programme Utrecht University and Aiofe (Association of Institutions for Feminist Education and Research in Europe).

The 7th edition of the European Feminist Research Conference will be interdisciplinary in several ways. Firstly, it will employ the Utrecht expertise of crossing the boundaries of the scholarly and the artistic through a focus on, and a review of, literary, visual and artistic representations. Secondly, it will work with a matrix of intersecting themes rather than with singular conference strands. Thus participating scholars, students and artists are asked to situate themselves in this cross-cutting matrix.

Paper proposals have to refer to two of the themes. For a more detailed explanation of the different themes :

Submission of abstracts, panel proposals and registration :
Proposals should have not more than 300 words and can only be uploaded using the submit link at


Contact : info.7thfeminist@uu.nl

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