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Censorship and Women Resistance in the Performing Arts, from Continental Asia to Insular Southeast Asia

22-23 mai - Paris

Date de mise en ligne : [04-04-2014]

Mots-clés : Asie | arts

Colloque international organisé par Tiziana Leucci, Dana Rappoport, Davesh Soneji

22-23 mai

190 avenue de France, salle 638-640, Paris

Programme :

Thursday 22 May

Presentation by Marie Fourcade (CEIAS) & Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière (CASE)
Introduction by the organizers : Tiziana Leucci (CEIAS), Dana Rappoport (CASE) and Davesh Soneji (McGill University, Montréal)

1. Historical Representation


Chairs : Philippe Bruguière, (Cité de la Musique) & Hélène Marquié, (Université Paris VIII)

> *John Baily* (University of London), Women, Music and Censorship in Afghanistan

> *Joep Bor* (University of Leiden), Voluptuous Bayaderes or Dancing Whores ? On Praise And Contempt For Courtesans In Early Colonial India

> *Julien Jugand* (Ph. D., University of Paris X, Nanterre), Grace and Disgrace : Changing Patronage and Self-Representations of the Courtesans of Banaras in the 20th century

> *Tiziana Leucci* (CNRS, Centre d’Études de l’Inde et d’Asie du Sud, Paris), Censorship and Resistance of the South Indian Courtesans : Silenced Voices and Forgotten Struggles. Bangalore Nagaratnamma’s Combats (1910-1952)


Chair : Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal, (CNRS, Centre d’Études de l’Inde et d’Asie du Sud)

> *Philip Yampolsky* (University of Illinois), The Ubiquity And Persistence Of Erotic Dance In Indonesia

> *Catherine Basset*(Centre Asie du Sud-Est), Figures of the “bayadère” (public singer/dancer/lover) and of the “femme savante” (literate woman) on the Javanese and Javano-Balinese stage : a tantric point of view

> *Lucie Labbé* (Ph. D Student, Centre Asie du Sud-Est, Paris), Keeping Khmer Court Dance Alive Through The Vicissitude Of Cambodia’s Recent History (From 1953 To Present Day)

The voice of the performer : Savay Meas, (Cambodia), Court Dancer

Friday 23 May

2. Censorship, Moral Order, Religious Morality


Chair : Catherine Servan-Schreiber, Centre d’Études de l’Inde et d’Asie du Sud, Paris

> *Intan Paramaditha* (University of New York), Obsession for the Visible : The Politics of Vilified Bodies and Religious Morality in Indonesia

> *Dana Rappoport* (Centre Asie du Sud-Est, Paris), « Tell Me Yes ! » : Music And Censorship in The Toraja Highlands (Sulawesi, Indonesia)

> *Renaud Redien-Collot* (Novancia Business School, Paris), Women Social Representation and Social Control

3. Resistance and Marginality


Chair : François Picard, (Université Paris IV)

> *Marie Lecomte-Tilouine* (Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, Paris), Women’s Cultural Struggle and Artivism in Nepal

> *Anna Morcom* (Royal Holloway, University of London), India’s Marginalised Erotic Performers in the 20th and 21st Centuries : Strategies Of Survival

> *Davesh Soneji* (McGill University, Montréal), Stigma, Resistance, Resilience : Dance and Subterfuges of "Reform" among Women from Devadasi Communities in Globalized South India

The voice of the performer : Yashoda Thakore (Hyderabad University, India), dancer and scholar

Round Table

Final discussion with all the speakers, performers and audience + Cocktail

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