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Fighting for Gender Studies in Academia Today

22-23 mai - Anvers

Date de mise en ligne : [16-05-2013]

Interuniversity Gender Research Seminar

UGent - VUB - Universiteït Antwerpen

22-23 may 2013

Evening plenary debate + reception, co-organized with Sophia, the Belgian Network for Gender Studies, Brussels.
Speakers : Paola Bacchetta (UC Berkeley USA), Sarah Bracke (KULeuven/Sophia), Gily Coene (VUB), Chia Longman (UGent), Petra Meier (University of Antwerp/Sophia)

In this panel discussion we will address the contemporary state of and possible futures for gender studies at our universities. There have been many attempts to create platforms for, recognize and institutionalize gender studies over the past decades. Yet spaces for critical knowledge production and feminist research in particular are under threat everywhere in the ’corporatized’ academia of today. How do we evaluate the uneven, yet always precarious conditions for courses, programmes, research and jobs in gender studies ? What can we learn from experiences of struggling to save or maintain what there is ? And what new strategies can we devise for strengthening and introducing new footholds ?
This evening event takes place during the two-day Gender Research Seminar (Doctoral Schools of UGent-VUB-Universiteit Antwerpen) from 22-23 May 2013. Morning lectures on contemporary issues in gender studies with international guest speakers are also free and open to the public.

More info : http://www.genderseminar.ugent.be/

Registration : before 15 May at maaike.goethals@ugent.be

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