Special Issue 2014 of the Swiss Journal of Sociology (40-2)
Date of Publication : July 2014
Guest Editors : Brigitte Liebig, René Levy, Alfonso Sousa-Poza, Birgit Sauer
Gender politics is based on a complex interplay between various and often contradictory patterns of interest in society and politics. This is likely to contribute to the fact that gender equality has to date only been partly realized in Switzerland, though numerous policy meas- ures have been implemented in such fields as employment, family and education. Against this background, the analysis of gender politics and of gender-relevant implications of other legal regulations seems crucial for assessing the impact and effectiveness of strategies and measures to promote gender equality – especially, if including the potentially discriminatory phenomenon of intersectionality. Furthermore, it seems important to analyze how political measures impact on individual decisions in the life-cycle. The identification of political, insti- tutional and socio-cultural factors influencing the implementation and success of gender equality can guide future action in this field.
The proposed special issue shall be focused on two main sets of problems :
Firstly, contributions are invited that explore the influencing factors of policies in core fields of gender (in-) equality (labor market, private households, education and career). The Swiss federal system with its cross-regional variations is particularly interesting within this context. Moreover, studies are welcome that analyze the gender-equality implications of political regulations and decisions not explicitly aimed at achieving gender equality (such as tax or so- cial transfer policies, pension reforms, social, family or agricultural policy).
Secondly, studies are welcome that reconstruct and assess the potentials and effects of gender-equality legislation and strategies, the dynamics of equality measures and interven- tions on different social levels and in various organizations (e.g. public, private, educational). Such studies can concern political frameworks as well as individual experiences, and will provide insight into current challenges of gender policies.
This special issue is related to the National Research Program 60 Gender Equality, the first Swiss research program providing a systematic investigation of action on gender equality. This program aims to deliver findings that will help assess the effects of gender-equality poli- cies, strategies and interventions (also in cross-regional and cross-national comparison to other European countries) and to identify the complex conditions of success or failure of gender-equality policy and implementation.
Interested scholars, participating or not in the NRP 60, are invited to submit a proposal to brigitte.liebig@fhnw.ch, no later than October 15, 2012.
Your submission for the special issue should include the following :
. name, email address, and affiliations of all the authors
. title of the paper,
. abstract of around 400 words (topic, aim, theoretical perspective, empirical design,
main results).
On this basis, the guest editors will invite authors to submit full papers (max. 8,000 words, 50,000 characters including tables, figures and references), which will be due on April 15, 2013. The papers will go through the usual peer-review process of the Swiss Journal of Soci- ology. Papers can be written in English, French or German. Publication is planned for July 2014.