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Think We Must ! 25 Years of Feminist Knowledge Production. The Big Debate

21 novembre - Bruxelles

Date de mise en ligne : [18-11-2014]

Mots-clés : féminisme

Débat organisé par Sophia

21 novembre

Middaglijnstraat 10 rue du Méridien, Bruxelles

Présentation :

The perfect moment to reflect on the evolutions gender studies have undergone in Belgium and on what the future might hold in store. Keynote speaker Maria Puig de la Bellacasa and our panel of feminist activists and researchers will discuss the challenges gender studies face, the possibilities for resistance within academia and the ways in which feminist activism and research can (still) go together. Sophia wants to highlight the connections between the women’s movement and gender studies scholars in creating feminist knowledge.

Programme :

Keynote speaker : Maria Puig de la Bellacasa (University of Leicester), author of Politiques féministes et construction des savoirs. “Penser nous devons !” and Matters of Care : Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds.


Annelies Decat (KULeuven) Claire Lobet-Maris (UNamur) Nadia Fadil (KULeuven) Sara Maissin (Vrouwen Overleg Komittee)

Moderator :

Annalisa Casini (ULB/UMons/Sophia)

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