The War On Boys

Avant le 15 mars 2014 - Thymos : Journal of Boyhood Studies

Date de mise en ligne : [18-12-2013]

Mots-clés : guerre | masculinité

Volume 8 of Thymos : Journal of Boyhood Studies

Guest editors : Máirtín Mac an Ghaill (Newman University, UK), Chris Haywood
(Newcastle University, UK) and Jonathan A. Allan (Brandon University,

In 2013, Christina Hoff Sommers released a second edition of The War
Against Boys,and shortly after, Michael Kimmel released *Angry White Men : American Masculinity at the End of an Era.

Both of these books attest to a shift in perspective about masculinity, not
just in the academy, but on the ground, in the city, in the classroom, in
the boardroom, in the factory. Boys and men, we are told, are under attack.
The University Campus has become a breeding ground for discussions of
“men’s issues” and “men’s rights,” both of which often focus on the figure
of the Boy who will become a Man in an inhospitable and feminizing world.

Our intended special issue poses a narrow, but nonetheless open, question :
How do we, as scholars of boyhood, masculinities, and gender, think about
the “war on boys” and what does that “war” look like ? How can critical
perspectives including but not limited to intersectional feminist theories,
critical race theory, crip theory and disability studies, and queer theory
help us disentangle the remarkably complex and nuanced nature of boyhood in this war ?

The full call for papers is at http://bit.ly/1fZgkLp

More on Thymos : http://bit.ly/REKA2m

Preliminary inquiries and abstracts are welcome. Full manuscripts are
due *March 15, 2014*.

APA-styled manuscripts should be sent to both AllanJ@brandonu.ca and

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