Accueil > Actualité du genre > Appels à contributions > Readers, Writers, Salonnières : Female Networks in Europe, 1700-1900

Women’s Writing. Special Issue

Readers, Writers, Salonnières : Female Networks in Europe, 1700-1900

Avant le 15 septembre

Date de mise en ligne : [04-08-2008]

The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries saw an explosion of interest in Europe in foreign languages and literatures, and recent research has begun to explore the part played by women in cross-cultural interchange. To what extent were women writers from different countries aware of each other and each other’s work ? This special issue of

Women’s Writing seeks to examine the trans-national links between literary women in Europe in the period 1700-1900.

Topics may include but are not limited to :

. Women as readers of foreign women’s writing

. Women translating/adapting foreign women’s writing

. Women’s literary responses to foreign women’s writing

. Trans-national links between female letter-writers, travellers, salonnières

Papers of 5,000-6,000 words should be sent by 15 September 2008 to the Guest Editors : Dr Katherine Astbury, University of Warwick (Katherine.Astbury@warwick.ac.uk), Dr Gillian Dow, University of Southampton (G.Dow@soton.ac.uk) and Dr Hilary Brown, Swansea University (h.j.brown@swan.ac.uk)

(Contributors should follow the journal’s house style, details of which are to be found on the
Women’s Writing website : http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/09699082.asp)

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