Special Issue of Gender & History, Volume 27, 2015
The aim of the colloquium and of the Special Issue is to bring together scholars working on the history of masculinity in order to highlight on the one hand the roles performed by men at home in different contexts and, on the other, the importance of those roles with regard to the definition of different kinds of masculinity in specific social, historical and geographic contexts. Periods of rapid transformation of family arrangements seem to be an especially interesting vantage point, as particularly (but not only) in these periods tensions might have arisen between old and new ideas about the ‘proper’ roles of men (and women) on the one hand and the ‘traditional’ ones on the other, and/or between (some) norms and (some) practice.
Proposals focusing on these issues are welcome, particularly if they try to place case studies in a wider context or have a comparative approach (over time or space). Gender & History is particularly interested in producing a multi-disciplinary volume which includes scholarship on a wide range of periods, places, and cultures, and in which not only historical, but also anthropological and sociological approaches are brought to bear on historical treatments of gender. Thus trans-national comparative studies and work on pre-modern and non-Western cultures are encouraged. Proposals focusing on the contemporary world are welcomed, too, provided that they deal with the present in a historical perspective.
Papers that, in addition to focusing on particular cases, will contribute to the theoretical thinking about masculinity and gender will be especially appreciated. Both papers on specific case-studies and papers attempting large overviews will be welcome.
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1111/(ISSN)1468-0424/asset/homepages/GH_CFP_Gender_Empires_Global_Exchanges_LONG_version_3.pdf ?v=1&s=6f4cbf40879038fca48e25cc6d2f04a1ea50f15c