ECPR Bordeaux 2013
Chair and Discussant : David Paternotte (Fonds de la recherche scientifique/Université libre de Bruxelles)
The legal status of same-sex couples and same-sex families has dramatically changed over the last decades. If this process started in 1989 when Denmark introduced the first registered partnership, the forms of legal recognition have rapidly evolved and the pace of adoption has accelerated. Today, eleven countries and several subnational entities allow same-sex couples to marry. An even larger number of countries have introduced alternative forms of legal protection, including family rights. Finally, if policy change started in Europe, it has spread over the globe, with interesting policy developments in the Americas and parts of Asia.
This unprecedented wave of policy change has often been explained by sociological transformations, such as a decrease of homophobia, the secularisation of Western societies or thorough changes of intimate life and family relations. However, as shown by a growing literature in political science, politics also matter.
Therefore, this panel wants to explore the political factors of this dramatic policy change and to confront the various explanations put forward in political science (e.g. institutional design, political opportunities, international diffusion, political influence of religion, etc.). It should answer questions such as : Why does policy change happen in some countries and not in others ? Why did countries privilege specific policy options and why do these preferences change over time ? Why are rights related to children included or excluded from these reforms ? Can we identify other kinds of factors at play in the recognition of same-sex families ?
This panel will gather colleagues from various subfields in political science (social movement studies, social policy, comparative politics, international relations, etc.). Papers can present single national cases or comparative studies from all parts of the world, and must explicitly discuss the explanatory framework. They may also address policy variation and explain why some policy models are privileged in specific countries.
The deadline for abstracts is 1 February 2012.
You must submit your abstract it online :
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