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Donner voix à la communauté : Pour une relecture des concepts de genre et de race dans les littératures française et francophone

4 février - Warwick (Angleterre)

Date de mise en ligne : [02-02-2012]

Mots-clés : littérature

4 février

Université de Warwick (Angleterre)

D’où tu parles ? – Where do you speak from ? Ideologically associated with both May 1968 and the 1970s more generally, these few words evoke freedom of speech, the legitimacy of knowledge and the power of the voice : elements that have been crucial to the constitution and articulation of community at key moments in French and Francophone history. This question remains significant, however, and invites an interrogation of the notion of representativeness and of the situation and articulation of community ; issues which can be approached through the lens of textual representation. Recent theoretical debates surrounding the concepts of race and gender show this more than ever, dividing an Anglo-American context which favours narrowly focused approaches such as those of women’s writing or black studies from a French one which often seems reluctant to use such divisions.

Studying the text-based representation of race and gender necessitates a methodological apparatus which will allow us to reconsider conflicts (such as those between differentialism and universalism and between identity and collective) by underlining the relevance and the rhetorical implications of the community as a textual creation. The works of Judith Butler are crucial in this regard, as she challenges the naturalness of sex through the notion of performativity. The voice therefore enables such a study of gender and race, given its capacity to create a reality through discourse, justifying the adoption of a stylistic approach : how and why does the text voice a community ? What is the role of the speaker’s standpoint and of the organisation of the discourse (such as through direct/indirect speech) ? What position does the writer occupy ? How does the text convey the legitimacy of the speaking subject in the face of collectively imagined stereotypes ?

This bilingual conference, which will take place on Saturday 4th February 2012, will promote the interaction of academics from England, France and beyond who are involved in varying branches of French and Francophone Studies, ranging from the medieval to modern period.

Programme :

Panel 1 : Communautés politiques et historiques
(Répondante : Victoria Turner, University of Warwick)

> Ibrahima Diouf (Professeur de lettres modernes dans le second degré, Paris) :
Mourir pour Haïti de Roger Dorsinville : Une poétique de la traversée ou du discours littéraire transcendental comme quête d’un nouvel horizon identitaire

> Sidi Omar Azeroual (Faculté de Safi, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech) :
La communauté des amants dans l’imaginaire de Blanchot

> Julie Rodgers (National University of Ireland, Maynooth) :
A la recherche du temps des femmes : Locating the feminist voice in the fiction of Ying Chen

Panel 2 : Communautés gay

(Répondant : Dr Oliver Davis, University of Warwick)

> Justine Legrand (Université de la Sorbonne) :
Rencontre des genres : Quand le littéraire et le sexuel parlent à l’unisson

> Rosie MacLachlan (Trinity College Dublin) :
‘On écrit aussi pour les autres’ : Gay life-writing and the fostering of community

Panel 3 : Stratification des voix

(Répondante : Dr Julie Rodgers, National University of Ireland, Maynooth)

> Armelle Blin-Rolland (University of Bath) :
Célinian Female Voices : Ventriloquism, Gender and Power in Voyage au bout de la nuit and Mort à crédit

> Caroline E. Kelley (IUT de St-Cloud, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense) :
Love in the time of revolution : Textual métissage in Le Cow-boy (1983) by Djanet Lachmet


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