Avant le 31 janvier 2008
"Gender and Generations : Women and Life Cycles"
17th Annual Conference of the Women’s History Network
University of Glasgow 5-7 September, 2008
Concepts and experiences of the life-course have been critical to making sense of gender difference and women’s lives in the past, and have traditionally been a central concern of historians of women. Integral to pioneering work on the history of reproduction and the family, work and leisure, and the body, science and medicine, analysis of the life cycles of women has nonetheless left many questions yet to be explored. This conference encourages comparison of women’s life cycle experiences both across the widest possible range of times and places, and with the life cycle experiences of men. The focus will also be on inter-generational relations as an important, yet often neglected, explanatory factor in either continuity or change over time.
Keynote speakers include Professor Lynda Coon, University of Arkansas, and Dr. Michael Roper, University of Essex.
Possible themes include : fertility and virility ; reproductive rituals ; the history of the body ; motherhood and fatherhood ; productive and reproductive divisions of labour ; inheritance, women and property ; the history of childhood ; youth culture ; courtship and marriage ; gender and old age ; death and dying ; family histories ; sibling relationships ; inter-generational conflict ; generations and change.
Proposals for individual papers of no more than 20 minutes or for panels of up to three papers are welcome. Panel proposals should be thematic in focus with cross-cultural coverage or the inclusion of papers that enable comparison across chronological boundaries.
For individual paper proposals, please send an abstract of no more than 500 words and a one-page CV. For panels, please send a CV for each speaker, and an overall rationale for the panel, in addition to the abstract. Please send proposals by 31 January 2008 to :
Dr. Rosemary Elliot, Department of Economic and Social History, University of Glasgow ,Lilybank House, Bute Gardens, Glasgow G12 8RT
E-mail : r.elliot@lbss.gla.ac.uk