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Appel à contributions

Feminist Approaches to Bioethics

Avant le 1er décembre - Rotterdam (Pays-Bas)

Date de mise en ligne : [05-07-2011]

Mots-clés : sciences | médecine

Rotterdam (Nedherland), June 25-27, 2012

The International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics is pleased to invite proposals for panels and papers for presentation at the 2012 Congress. The Congress theme is Generations : Imagining the Future to Promote Health and Justice. Submissions on any topic in feminist bioethics are welcome.

Paper abstracts should be 300 words, accompanied by both a descriptive title for the paper proposed and 2-3 keywords. Proposed panels should include a 300-word description of the overall topic and objectives of the panel, as well as a panel title and the titles of all the papers to be included in the panel. All submissions should include the names, e-mail addresses, and full affiliations of all authors. In cases of panels and co-authored papers, please identify a corresponding author. One or two submitted papers may be selected for plenary presentations. If you wish your paper to be considered for a plenary, please submit the full paper and indicate that you seek review for a plenary.

The conference organizers welcome submissions from a wide range of disciplines, including philosophy, the social sciences, critical cultural studies (gender and sexuality studies, disability studies, race studies, etc.), law, public health, and others. We particularly encourage submissions from early career researchers. Please provide enough detail for reviewers to be able to assess your proposal for a paper or panel from the abstract. The abstract should include a clear statement of method, thesis, and conclusion, and indicate what participants will learn from your presentation.

The theme of Generations should be interpreted broadly. Topics may include, but should not be limited to :

. New social patterns in reproduction (reproductive tourism, assisted reproductive technologies, surrogacy, etc.)

. The distinctive moral status and needs of children

. Caregiving across generations (eldercare, child care, etc.)

. Intergenerational justice

. Reproductive rights and justice

. Access to maternal and child health care

. Re-imagining the family and familial responsibilities

. Environmental justice across generations

. Re-imagining the future

. Adoption and the creation of families

. The value and social meaning of biological ties between generations

. Prolonging life

. The next generation of feminist bioethics

. Sustaining and shaping communities over time

Submissions (in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format) should be e-mailed to FAB.Rotterdam2012@gmail.com by December 1, 2011. This e-mail address should only be used for communications concerning submissions, and not for general conference or FAB inquiries.

Vol 6, no.2 of the International Journal for Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB) will be based on the proceedings of the 2012 FAB Conference. All papers presented at the conference, or whose abstracts were accepted, will be eligible for inclusion in this issue of IJFAB. Once abstracts are accepted, they will be forwarded to the Editorial Office of IJFAB, which will follow up with instructions to authors about submission and review processes. To be included in the conference issue papers must submitted in IJFAB style to the Editorial Office no later than August 15, 2012. The issue will appear in November 2013. FAB encourages all conference presenters to submit their papers to IJFAB for review. Authors who do not wish to have their papers reviewed for inclusion in IJFAB should indicate this when submitting an abstract.

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