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Appel à contributions

Rhymes, Rhythms, and Rituals : 25 Years of Rural Women’s Studies Revisited

Avant le 15 août

Date de mise en ligne : [16-06-2011]

Rural Women’s Studies Association Triennial Conference
University of New Brunswick and Saint Thomas University
July 26-28, 2012

The Triennial Conference of the Rural Women’s Studies Association (RWSA)
will be hosted by the University of New Brunswick and Saint Thomas
University, in Fredericton, New Brunswick, in cooperation with Nova Scotia
Agricultural College in Nova Scotia, Canada, on July 26-28, 2012. The RWSA
is an international association for the advancement and promotion of
research on rural women and gender in historical perspective. It welcomes
as members and conference participants academic scholars, public
historians and archivists, graduate students, and representatives of rural
organizations and communities. The theme of the conference, “Rhymes,
Rhythms, and Rituals : Twenty-Five Years of Rural Women’s Studies
Revisited,” reflects the dual focus of the meeting. It will include
presentations on current research on rural women and gender as well as
presentations that take a retrospective look at the field of rural women’s
studies. The RWSA seeks proposals for individual papers, panel sessions,
workshops, and roundtable discussions on topics related to the conference
theme or organized around historiographical reviews or state-of-the-field
assessments of research on rural women and gender. Topics related to the
conference theme might include :

• The role of the arts, music, and literature and literary movements in
rural and gendered contexts ;

• Comparative and/or interdisciplinary frameworks and ethnographic
approaches that give structure, agency, rhythm and sense to rural women’s
voices as forms of power and arbiters of change ;

• Research that examines the intersection of rural women and/or gender
with social, cultural, and political institutions.

• The significance of gender in social and social reform movements, social
and welfare policy initiatives, and in agriculture (including policy,
production, land use, and the utilization of science and technology).

• Sustainability, ecology, and environment-related topics.

The RWSA especially welcomes proposals for panels that provide an overview
of sub-themes in rural women’s history, such as those that examine the
relationship between gender and labor, health, the professions, cultural
heritage, leadership, and creative expression in rural contexts. Proposals
that are inter-, trans- or multi-disciplinary are encouraged, as are those
that develop connections between rural women’s history and present-day
social and economic concerns, worldwide. Alternative methods of
presentation, such as workshops, interactive sessions, posters,
performances, readings, and/or audiovisual presentations are encouraged
and welcomed.

Please submit the following information by August 15, 2011 :

1. Title of paper/session/workshop/performance

2. One-page abstract of paper or brief description of proposed
session/workshop, etc.

3. Brief vita/bio of paper presenter or session participants and complete
contact information.

Submissions should be sent electronically to : pedersjm@uwec.edu and

If it is not possible to send proposal electronically, if submitting from
the Americas, please send by regular mail to :

Jane Pederson
Department of History
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI 54702

Submissions by post from elsewhere in the world should be sent to :
Margreet van der Burg
Rural History, Social Sciences
Wageningen University
Hollandseweg 1
NL-6706 KN Wageningen
The Netherlands

For information on travel grants and letters of invitation, contact
Rebecca Montgomery, rm53@txstate.edu. For additional information on the
RWSA, please go to the organization website,


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