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Gendering Social Sciences : a Critical Reading of Major Works in Sociology

Date de mise en ligne : [16-05-2011]

Mots-clés : sociologie

European Seminar co-organised by the CRESPPA, CNRS-University Paris 8, and the Research Network 33 (Women and Gender studies) of the European Sociological Association-ESA

Paris, May 26 2011, CNRS, 59-61 rue Pouchet, 75 017 Paris (Salle des conférences), 9 : 00 to 18 : 00

Programm :

9 : 30 Introduction
Anne-Marie Devreux, CNRS/CRESPPA (University Paris 8),
Ursula Apitzsch Frankfurt University (Germany),
Chair of the RN33 (European Sociological association),
and Marie-Thérèse Letablier, CNRS/CES (University Paris 1) co-chair of the RN33.

10:00 – 13:00 Gendering sociology

> Ute Gerhard, Frankfurt University (Germany), « "Illegitimate Daughters" : The Relationship between Feminism and Sociology »

> Harriet Silius, Åbo Akademi University (Finland), “Challenges on Social Theory in Gender Studies”
11 :15 – 11 :30 Coffee
> Consuelo Corradi, La Sapîenza University, Roma (Italy), “Gender in modern and postmodern Italian sociology”

> Danielle Chabaud-Rychter, Virginie Descoutures, Anne-Marie Devreux, Eleni Varikas, CRESPPA, « Sous les sciences sociales, le genre » : Reappropriating Major Works of Social Science for Gender Studies


13 :00 – 14 :30 Lunch

14:30 – 17:00 Reading sociological works from a gender standpoint

> Shalva Weil, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, (Israel), « The Absence of Gender ; the Presence of theory in Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt and Zygmunt Bauman ‘s sociology »

> Eleni Varikas, Université Paris 8, CRESPPA, « Max Weber, the iron cage and the ladies »

16 :00 – 16 :15 Coffee

> Anne-Marie Devreux, CNRS, CRESPPA, « Pierre Bourdieu and the social relations between the sexes »

> Danielle Chabaud-Rychter, CNRS, CRESPPA, "Social competence and gender attribution in Garfinkel’s ethnomethodology"

17 : 30 Discussion


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