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Emanuela Lombardo, Petra Meier, "The symbolic representation of gender : a discursive approach"

23 mars - Bruxelles

Date de mise en ligne : [16-03-2015]

Mots-clés : théorie

Intervention dans le cadre du groupe Genre et politique de l’Association belge francophone de science politique

23 mars, de 18 à 20h

Salle Henri Janne (15ème étage), Université Libre de Bruxelles

Abstract :

What is symbolic representation ? Why should (feminist) political science engage more with it ? In the book The Symbolic Representation of Gender. A Discursive Approach, Emanuela Lombardo and Petra Meier explore the symbolic dimension of political representation, which has received far less attention over the course of the last decades than descriptive and substantive representation, arguing that it deserves a thorough analysis in itself. They build upon Pitkin’s seminal work on ‘The Concept of Representation’ (1967), but underline the constructed nature of the symbol – thus agent – in symbolic representation. Adding a discursive approach to this understanding of the symbol, the authors develop throughout the book how symbolic representation contributes to the shaping of social identities, to their legitimization and the delegitimization of others, and thereby open the way to politically control social subjects. Based on this understanding of symbolic representation the authors analyze how symbolic representation relates to and interacts with descriptive and substantive representation in the second part of the book.

Biographies :

Emanuela Lombardo is Lecturer at the Department of Political Science and Administration II of Madrid Complutense University (Spain). Her research concerns gender equality policies, especially in the European Union and Spain, Europeanization, and gender and political representation.
Petra Meier is Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Antwerp, director of the Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities and co-chair of Sophia, the Belgian network on gender studies. Her research focuses on the (re)presentation of gender in politics and policies, and the consequences thereof for the everyday life and equality of women and men.

Contact :

Sophie van der Dussen, svddusse@ulb.ac.be

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