Organized by the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS
at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
11 juin au MESR, rue Descartes, Amphi Stourdzé
de 10 h à 16 h 30
Draft Programme of the Conference
10.00 Opening by the French Minister of Higher Education and Research (to be confirmed)
10.10 Welcome address Dr. Brigitte Muehlenbruch, President of EPWS
Session 1. Gender in the new European Framework Programme Horizon 2020
Chair : Yvonne Pourrat, ECEPIE and CDEFI
10.20 Welcome by Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Member of the European Parliament, President of the European Union of Women
10.35 “Gender in the European Research Area and in the new European Framework Programme Horizon 2020”, Viviane Willis-Mazzichi, Head of Sector “Gender”, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
11.05 "Contact Point Women into EU Research - best practice and strategies for Horizon 2020",
Nadine Heller-Genath, Contact Point Women into EU Research / FiF, Bonn, Germany
11.30 Current gender- related EU projects :
INTEGER, Anne Pépin, CNRS, France ; EGERA, Maxime Forest, Sciences Po, France ; GenderTIME, Anne-Sophie Godfroy, UPEC, France ; GENOVATE, Ilenia Picardi, project manager, University of Naples Federico II, Italy ; STAGES, Giovanna Declich, ASDO, Italy.
12.30-14.00 Lunch Break
Session 2. Up-skilling Women Scientists Careers - European and French perspectives
Chair : Claudine Hermann, EPWS and Femmes & Sciences
14.00 Key Note Speech : “Women, Gender & Science : Modern sexism in action”
Prof. Nicky Le Feuvre, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
14.40 Round table on Human Resources Management in R&D in the private sector and in public research institutions : Sophie Sergent, IFREMER ; Colette Guillopé, UPEC ; Marie-Stéphane Pefferkorn, Airbus Group, HR manager from the enterprise PSA
15.30 Mentoring experiences in France (Christine Charretton, femmes et mathématiques and May Morris, Femmes & Sciences) and in Europe (Helene Fueger, University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
16.05 Conclusion André Béraud, ECEPIE
16.15 Coffee and Networking
16.45 EPWS General Assembly (only for EPWS members)