Accueil > Actualité du genre > Divers > Lancement de la revue QED : A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking

Lancement de la revue QED : A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking

Date de mise en ligne : [17-10-2013]

We’re very pleased to announce the inaugural arrival of QED : A Journal in
GLBTQ Worldmaking, published by Michigan State University Press. QED brings
together scholars, activists, public intellectuals, artists, and policy and
culture makers to discuss, debate, and mobilize issues and initiatives that
matter to the diverse lived experience, struggle, and transformation of
GLBTQ peoples and communities wherever they may be. With an emphasis on
worldmaking praxis, QED welcomes theory, criticism, history, policy
analysis, public argument, and creative exhibition, seeking to foster
intellectual and activist work through essays, commentaries, interviews,
roundtable discussions, and book and event reviews.
Please consider subscribing, or having your library liaison consider
subscribing, and/or check out QED on Project Muse. For more details :
Inaugural Issue (September 2013) : The End of Bullying ?

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