Editors : Lisa Diedrich and Victoria Hesford
In order to mark the 20th anniversary of Joan Scott’s groundbreaking essay, “The Evidence of Experience,” first published in Critical Inquiry in 1991, we are editing a special issue of Feminist Theory on “Experience, Echo, Event : Theorizing Feminist Histories.” Scott’s essay re-conceived the theory and practice of doing history, taking “experience” itself as a category of and for analysis, and in doing so deftly transformed the key arguments of feminist and social historians for making visible the histories of marginalized individuals and groups. The special issue in Feminist Theory will take up anew the concept “experience,” exploring how this key term and Scott’s now classic historicization of it, has developed twenty years on. We propose to revisit the concept and evidence of “experience” by thinking it with and against more recent developments in feminist historical studies and theory, including Scott’s and others work on the “echo,” as well as Tani Barlow’s work on the “event” of “women” in modern history. By juxtaposing work that utilizes and transforms these three concepts, we hope to point to new interdisciplinary theories and methods of doing feminist history.
This special issue grows out of a symposium at Stony Brook University in 2010, and will include papers from Professors Scott and Barlow. Along with their work, we are committed to including a wide variety of feminist voices in the issue—from a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields, as well as from scholars working across multiple national and transnational contexts. We welcome contributions from historians, sociologists, and anthropologists, but also hope to include essays from scholars in literature, cultural studies, and women’s and gender studies. The special issue will be published in late 2012. Deadline for submissions is August 1, 2011. Manuscripts should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words and using the Harvard bibliographic style. Inquiries and submissions should be sent to Lisa Diedrich atldiedrich@notes.cc.sunysb.edu
Possible topics for special issue might include :
. “Experience” as object of/for feminist theory and history
. Repetition/reverberation/anachronism in feminism
. Fantasy echoes of/in political struggles
. Rethinking (again) the category “women”
. Historical and/or literary catachreses as feminist method
. Problematizing presentism in feminist theory
. Future anterior in feminist theory
. Theories of the event for feminist theory (psychoanalytic, Badiouan, Deleuzian)
. Case studies of specific events of women in history
. Feminist identities vs. feminist practices