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(de)gendering the postcolonial

Avant le 30 juin - Journal of Literary, Postcolonial and Gender Studies

Date de mise en ligne : [16-06-2015]

Mots-clés : colonialité

Journal of Literary, Postcolonial and Gender Studies

For the first issue of de genere, we intend to open the discussion on a broad range of topics which we hope will recur in future issues, in order to set a framework of intervention for the dialogue this newborn journal intends to activate. Postcolonial and gender, both in theoretical elaboration and through literary and artistic practices, have been in an ongoing conversation after the inception of what Chandra Talpade Mohanty called Third World feminism (1988). Yet in the intervening years gender has become a more multifaceted concept (see Butler, Muñoz, Preciado), although gendered bodies are still radically informed by their own location as well as by transnational power discourses. At the same time, while postcolonial literature and art have both, in a sense, gone ‘mainstream’ (as Sandra Ponzanesi’s recent monograph shows), neocolonial imaginaries shaped by contemporary international politics have renewed the challenges of neo-orientalist hegemonies (Appadurai, Balibar, Gandhi, Yegenoglu).
We welcome contributions investigating the ways in which the postcolonial emerges as a gendered discourse, and how contemporary gender elaborations take into account the complex layerings of postcolonial temporalities. Our intention is to map (albeit tentatively) the ways in which gender and postcolonial theories and narratives interface without necessarily coalescing. Their intertwined and/or divergent trajectories can be traced in theoretical frameworks as well as in literature and artistic practices, addressing the following issues and related topics :
. The postcolonial gendered body in literature and the arts
. The sexual politics of postcolonial writing
. Gender and postcolonial : intersecting theories, divergent practices ?
. Narratives of transition : resignifying identities in migration
. Whiteness and blackness as gendered narratives
. Genre/gender : a postcolonial écriture féminine ?
. Performing gender, performing race
. The threatened male body / the male body as threat
For submissions and queries please write to us at degenere.journal@gmail.com
Deadline for abstract proposals (300 words and short bio) : 30 June 2015.
Articles will be due on 15 September 2015.

For submission guidelines and further info : www.degenere-journal.it
Editors : Marta Cariello and Serena Guarracino)


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