2nd semestre 2013-04-01
Université du Havre
Faculté des Affaires Internationales
Master 1 LLCE
Présentation :
Across all six continents, the « Commonwealth » comprises 54 countries, with 94% of its total population living in Asia and Africa.
One-third of the world population living on less than US$1 a day are Commonwealth citizens. Over two-thirds of these are women.
Colonialism allowed Britain to increase its power and control over a large amount of the world’s ressources. We will first examine the effects of colonialism on globalization and trade liberalisation, meaning how Britain and other “developed” nations have exploited the human resources of the former Asian, Caribbean, and African colonies, and the impact it has had on the lives of ex-colonized women in their countries of origin.
Second, we will explore the field of « Gender and Development » (GAD) which designates the policies implemented since the 1980’s by international organizations, North and South governments, and NGO’s, in the framework of development cooperation. These policies are supposed to fight against sex inequalities and improve the social, cultural, political and economic position of women in developing countries.
Since 1997, the central objective of Britain as far as development aid is concerned, is the elimination of poverty, emphasizing social justice and gender equality. Clare Short, who was then Minister of the Department For International Development (DFID), declared : My aim for DFID is that we should learn how to mainstream the empowerment of women with our general approach to democracy, human rights and government(…)Empowering women and educating girls hastens the process of development and is the key to transforming the life of whole societies(…)Enlarging their freedom and dignity is central to the process of poverty elimination.
This will lead us to examine the Commonwealth Plan of Action for Gender Equality 2005-2015 : http://www.thecommonwealth.org/shared_asp_files/GFSR.asp?NodeID=142576, focusing on the four main critical areas for Commonwealth Action : 1. Gender, democracy, peace and conflict
2. Gender, human rights and law
3. Gender, poverty eradication and economic empowerment
4. Gender and HIV/AIDS
We will rely on case studies and examples of development projects that Britain is implementing in the South Pacific, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean.
Contact :
Anouk Guiné, anouk31@yahoo.com