Accueil > Actualité du genre > Appels à contributions > Women In French In Scotland (WIFIS)

Appel à contributions

Women In French In Scotland (WIFIS)

Avant le 16 mars - Edinbourg (Ecosse)

Date de mise en ligne : [16-01-2012]

A one-day conference to be held at the Institut français d’Écosse

on Saturday, 15th September 2012

The conference is organised by women academics in French Departments of
the Scottish Universities, and has two aims :

. to promote scholarly exchange based on research in French Studies
by or about women ;

. to maintain a network of contacts amongst women teaching and
researching in cognate areas

Abstracts (200 words) are invited for papers (20 minute slots) by or
about women in any area of French Studies, and should be sent to the
conference organisers, Dr Susan Bainbrigge and Dr Véronique Desnain, DELC (French), University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9JU, Scotland.
Email : susan.bainbrigge@ed.ac.uk ; veronique.desnain@ed.ac.uk

Deadline for paper (or session) proposals : 16th March 2012.

Papers on the Presidential elections are particularly welcomed, as are papers in Translation Studies.

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