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Appel à contributions

Resignifying Gender and Sexuality in Language and Discourse

Avant le 30 novembre - Brésil

Date de mise en ligne : [02-12-2011]

Mots-clés : sexualité | langage

7th International Gender and Language Association Conference (IGALA 7)

Universidade do Vale dos Sinos (UNISINOS), São Leopoldo, Brazil, on June 20-22, 2012.

Taking place for the first time in South America, the conference will provide researchers worldwide with an opportunity to present their work and share ideas in the fields of language, gender, and sexuality.

With the theme *Resignifying Gender and Sexuality in Language and Discourse*, IGALA 7 aims to bring together scholars from diverse fields of knowledge as well as geographical regions who are interested in broadening and deepening our understanding of the complex relationships among language, gender and sexuality. In so doing, we encourage new ways of signifying these concepts and their interrelationships, in the following thematic areas :

1. Gender, sexuality, body and identities
2. Gender, sexuality and health
3. Gendered performances as discourse
4. Gender and (dis)empowerment
5. Gender, class, ethnicity and age
6. Gender, sexuality and institutions
7. Gender, media and technology
8. Gender and violence
9. Gender studies in (applied) linguistics
10. Gender and sexuality in literature

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