Facultad de Sociología. Campus de Elviña, Universidade Da Coruna (Spain)
Maó, Menorca (Balearic Islands), Spain 6, 7, and 8 October 2011
Organised by : Laura Oso and Natalia Ribas-Mateos
The main objective of this event is to articulate the debate surrounding issues of gender, migration and development. The specific aim of the conference is to combine the disciplines, approaches and perspectives that analyse the various societies affected by international migrations, focusing on the question of gender. Our work will be based on the analyses of global production and reproduction chains (and the so- called ‘global care chains’ in particular) and the new models put forward for the study of emerging trends played out by women in contemporary mobility flows.
This event is intended to generate major academic and social interest, both on a local and international level, covering the fields of migration and gender and development studies in the age of globalisation. Finally, a further aim is that the conference should take advantage of and benefit from Menorca’s experience and in turn, contribute to the debate into gender, migration and development on the island, highlighting an international analysis and approach. There will be four main areas of discussion :
1. New theoretical and methodological proposals for the study of female-based mobility and development. Beyond the North-South connections.
2. Empirical studies into global production networks and gender. This will include the role of both macro and micro economic chains in the structuring of global capitalism.
3. Empirical studies into global care chains and gender. Analysis of maternity-paternity in migration. Empirical studies into local participation methods. 4. Gender, migration and development policies. Analysis of projects currently in progress.
Confirmed Guest Speakers
Lourdes Beneria- Cornell, New York, USA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Sylvia Chant- The London School of Economics and Political Science - Mokhtar El Harras- Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Université
Mohamed V Agdal. - Caroline Moser- Global Urban Research Centre, University of Manchester - Nina Sorensen- Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen
Submission Guidelines
Conference organisers invite paper proposals on the theme of gender, migration and development following themes in different world regions. We invite interested participants to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words. We expect each proposal to clearly articulate the subject matter and its relevancy to the conference’s theme. Proposals should include the paper’s title and the author’s name, affiliation, and contact information, as well as a bio of 100 to 125 words describing the author’s background, accomplishments and research interests. Please sent the proposals to menorca.conference@gmail.com
Successful candidates will be notified by August 15th. Drafts of papers for a 20- minute presentation will be due by October 1st 2011.
Registration and other information (hotels, etc) will be available from June 27th at : http://esomi.es (Menorca Conference)
Contact :
menorca.conference@gmail.com ESOMI- Sociology of International Migrations Research Team - Universidade da Coruña