The 8th European Feminist Research Conference welcomes papers that keep in focus the connections among a number of relevant axes that frame current researches in the field. We have in mind connections between disciplines and interdisciplinarity ; the past, the present and the future ; gender and intersectionality ; activism and power ; local and global ; margin and center. The strands listed below indicate the main lines of inquiry around which the Conference will be structured.
Participants must indicate the strand their paper addresses. Based on this indication the Conference Committee will create intersecting panels across different strands.
Conference Strands
. Women’s and Gender Studies between Neo-discipline and Interdisciplinarity
. Rooting and Shifting (in) Feminist Research : Assessing the ’Turns’ in Feminist Theory
. Teaching ’Gender’ across the Borders of the Human, Social, Natural and Biomedical Sciences
. Located at Crossroads of Race and Gender : Intersectional Analysis in Women’s and Gender Studies
. Shifting Sexualities, Masculinities and Femininities : LGBTQI
. Revisiting ’Equality vs. Difference’ : Feminism in the 21st Century
. Triple Helix of Social Inclusion : Connecting Activism, Policy-making and Gender Research
. Feminist Legacies, Feminist Futures : Generating Feminisms
. The Politics of Migration : Transnational Feminisms ?
. Re-Imagining ’Europe’ : Imperialism, Post-State Socialism and Multiculturalism in the 21st Century
. Violence Revisited : Security, War and Peace Narrated
. Religion Revisited : Spirituality, Gender and the Post-Secular
. Creativity Reconsidered : Rethinking Feminist Art, Media and Technological Practices
. Abstract Submission Guide
Abstracts should have not more than 300 words and can only be uploaded using the online tool below. Abstracts must be submitted before June 30, 2011. The conference organizers also welcome proposals for whole panels as well as presentations by women’s centers, libraries, documentation centers, networks or publishers.
You will receive a password by e-mail for the abstract submission system when you register through the below link. You should provide your name and e-mail address to receive a password. Abstract submission is separate from registering for the meeting. Please take note of your login name and password. You will need them to re-enter the abstract submission system. Notification on abstract acceptance is September 30, 2011. All accepted abstracts will be published on the website.
Should you need help in using the abstract system please send a message to »