A Special Journal Edition in Techne : Research in Philosophy and Technology
The aim of this special issue is to offer an interdisciplinary analysis focusing on reproductive technology from philosophical and psychological perspectives, including diverse approaches from within each (feminist theory, analytic philosophy and continental philosophy, developmental theory, psychopathology and ethology.). We welcome papers that address questions such as these : How might the use of technology help or hinder women’s autonomy during labor and birth ? Given recent developments in reproductive technology, do we need to rethink the concept of autonomy as it relates to labor and birth ? Which social attitudes might pressure or coerce women to use technology during labor and birth ? What social norms and values might pressure women differently within different societies to use such reproductive technologies ? What attitudes of health care practitioners might pressure or coerce women to use technology during labor and birth ? What moral and/or political implications follow from the use of technology during labor and birth and the impact of its use on women’s autonomy ? Can women make autonomous choices if they cannot be informed adequately because of a lack of randomized, controlled studies on the use of technology during labor and birth ? Does informed consent require that physicians inform laboring or birthing women of alternatives to the use of technology ?
All papers should be e-mailed to : Dana Belu, Philosophy Department, Cal-State University at Dominguez Hills, dbelu@csudh.edu
, Sylvia Burrow, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies, Cape Breton University, sylvia_burrow@cbu.ca