Friday 10 July 2015, 6-7.45 pm, followed by a reception.
28 rue des Saints Pères, Caquot Amphiteater.
A new wave of opposition to gender has arisen over the last years in Europe. It particularly targets women’s sexual and reproductive rights as well as LGBT rights. Opposition takes various forms, such as hostile public discourse, street demonstrations or the adoption of more restrictive laws. It also interacts with current European developments, like the economic crisis, the persistence of nationalism and the rise of populism. It questions the interactions between religion and politics.
Research is however underdeveloped, and this semi-plenary is an attempt to shed more light on these events. It gathers leading scholars on the topic, and will particularly focus on the European Union, the Vatican, France, Poland and Russia.
Isabelle Engeli (University of Ottawa)
David Paternotte (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Phillip Ayoub (Drexel University)
Michael Bosia (Saint Michael’s College)
Eric Fassin (Université Paris VIII)
Elzbieta Korolczuk (University of Goteborg) and Agniezka Graff (University of Warsaw)
Mieke Verloo (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
This event is open to the public and is organised with the support of the Council for European Studies and the Centre d’études européennes.