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Transgender Studies Quarterly

Date de mise en ligne : [16-06-2014]

Mots-clés : transsexualité

Transgender Studies Quarterly, Volume 1, Number 1-2, May 2014

Welcome to TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, which we intend to be the journal of record for the rapidly consolidating interdisciplinary field of transgender studies. Although the field is only now gaining a foothold in the academy, the term transgender has a long history that reflects multiple, sometimes overlapping, sometimes even contested meanings. For some, it marks various forms of gender crossing ; for others, it signals ways of occupying genders that confound the gender binary. For some, it confers the recognition necessary for identity-based rights claims ; for others, it is a tool to critically explore the distribution of inequality. The term transgender, then, carries its own antinomies : Does it help make or undermine gender identities and expressions ? Is it a way of being gendered or a way of doing gender ? Is it an identification or a method ? A promise or a threat ? Although we retain transgender in the full, formal title of this journal, we invite you to imagine the T in TSQ as standing in for whatever version of trans- best suits you — and we imagine many of our readers, like us, will move back and forth among several of them. We call your attention as well to our use of the asterisk (symbol of the open-ended search) in the journal’s logo, our hopefully not-too-obscure gesture toward the inherently unfinishable combinatorial work of the trans- prefix. Whatever your critical, political, or personal investment in particular trans- terminologies, we hope that you will find — or make — an intellectual home for yourself here.


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