NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research seeks submissions for a special issue slated for publication in autumn 2014.
Deadline : 1 April 2014
Editors : Birte Siim & Pauline Stoltz
Support for both the welfare state and gender equality is seen as important for the politics of belonging (Yuval-Davis 2011) in a number of Western societies. At the same time, contemporary nationalist and populist parties (e.g. in the different Nordic countries) have formulated welfare and gender-equality policies that have been criticized by many observers. The assumption of these parties is that all natives are already gender equal, whereas migrants from non-Western countries are accused of oppressive behaviour in terms of such categories as gender and sexuality.
Consequently, we would like to encourage papers that focus on theoretical and analytical questions about understandings and conceptualizations of equality, nationalism and welfare. This could be in the context of one or several of the Nordic countries, but theoretically and analytically informed submissions might also address other geographical contexts.
Whereas an inter-categorical approach to intersectionality focuses on the way in which the intersection of social categories, such as gender, ‘race’, class, religion and sexuality affects particular social behaviour or the distribution of resources, intra-categorical studies problematize the significance and boundaries of the categories themselves. We welcome papers addressing both these approaches, not least in combination with each other.
Suggested areas for submissions include :
Marginalized sexuality and nationalism
Political and media representations of sexual violence
Activism of ethnic minorities
Democracy, multiple (in)equalities and contemporary political transformations
Re-framings of gender-equality discourses
Discrimination and equality
The future of equality politics
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