Social Science History Association Conference 2012
Women, Gender& Sexuality Network,
Social Science History Association
01.11.2012-04.11.2012, Vancouver, CA
The Women, Gender and Sexuality Network of the Social
Science History Association calls for papers for the 2012
SSHA conference.
The 2012 SSHA conference will be held in Vancouver, British
Columbia, from November 1-4. The conference theme is
"Histories of Capitalism." For more information on the
conference-wide call for papers, and the other networks
please see the SSHA website at
We invite submissions of (preferably) full panels and
individual papers by March 1, 2012.
We are also interested to hear from scholars willing to
volunteer as chair or discussant.
Panels organized around this year’s theme are especially
encouraged, and there are many aspects of this theme that
could be explored from a WGS perspective.
Submissions about the meeting location - Vancouver - are
also welcome, as well any other topics related to social
science history.
The WGS network representatives are
Dominique Grisard
Roxana Galusca and
Anna Korteweg
We are here to help you organize panels, and act as your
liaison with the Program Committee.
Please find panel ideas generated at last year’s WGS network
meeting below :
I. Work Gender and workplace (queer / trans perspectives on the
workplace) - Questioning the "care work" paradigms Formal / informal work
Capitalism and domestic service. UK and USA - Longue duree
of household and capitalism Invisible (female) workers historically
II. Consumption, Commodification Commodification of parenting
Consumption and gendered selfhood
Consuming activism : Pink ribbon breast cancer activism
Commerce of sex in the movement to combat sex trafficking
III. Global economies Economic crisis and gender
Reproductive Tourism and Surrogacy (incl. reproductive
technologies& biotechnology) Traffic in Feminism
(International) Adoption
Intergenerational wealth
Single headed households
Affective economies
"No Borders" and "No One Is Illegal" : Feminist and Queer
Practices of Citizenship
IV. Misc. Ayn Rand
Aids activism and gender
Women and biography
Elderly / Elderly Care