Accueil > Actualité du genre > Appels à contributions > Masculinities and Femininities in a Military Context

Appel à contributions

Masculinities and Femininities in a Military Context

Avant le 25 février - Amsterdam (Pays-Bas)

Date de mise en ligne : [16-02-2011]

"Masculinities and Femininities in a Military Context"

6-8 July, Amsterdam

Ethnographies of Gender and Conflict

When thinking about conflict within anthropology one usually thinks of victims, of different groups being persecuted by ‘others’ who remain vague and nondescript. In a quest for more understanding about these ‘violent’ others in conflict and wars, this panel seeks to explore the military side of conflict, taking issues of masculinity and femininity as a core focus.

This panel wants to inquire about the contemporary role and use of gender, masculinity and femininity by soldiers and the institutions they are part of. Questions that can be considered concern issues of conscription, power relations, changing roles of men and women within the military and relationships of foreign militaries with local populations. What are understood to be ‘feminine’ roles and what are seen as ‘masculine’ tasks and by whom are these roles perceived to be so ? How are issues of trust within military missions gendered ? How are military careers and possibilities for men and women different (or the same). Other ideas concerning masculinity and femininity in the military are also welcome.

Abstracts (of about 250 words) and further questions should be sent to e.grassiani@vu.nl Link to conference website :


Deadline for submission 25 February 2011

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