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Sexual violence in armed conflicts : interdisciplinary perspectives

5 juillet - Paris CERI

Date de mise en ligne : [02-07-2012]

Mots-clés : violence | guerre

Seminar organized by the Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po, the UMR "Identités, relations internationales et civilisations de l’Europe", the Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violences and the Hamburg Institute for Social Research.
Responsable : Elissa Mailänder, Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po

Jeudi 5 juillet | 17h00
CERI - 56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris

Présentation :
The International Research Group "Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict" was founded in October 2010 in Hamburg. It aims to bring together empirical and theoretical studies focusing on sexual violence in different theaters of armed conflict in a series of workshops and conferences. Historians, legal scholars, sociologists, philosophers, psychologists, experts in cultural studies, and human rights activists develop common research questions and a framework for comparison, present and discuss their work, and explore opportunities for cooperation.

Programme :

Introduction : Elissa Mailänder, Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po

Chair & Moderation : Claire Andrieu, Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po

> Examination of a War Crime : Hagiang (French Indochina) march 1945
Fabrice Virgili, Directeur de recherche, UMR IRICE-CNRS

> Framing Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict : What We (May) Fail to See
Pascale Bos, Associate Professor, The University of Texas, Austin

> Between Analysis and Politics
Gabi Mischkowski, Program Advisor on Gender Justice, medica mondiale

> The Idea of an international, interdisciplinary Research Network
Regina Mühlhäuser, Researcher, Hamburg Institute for Social Research

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