Comité d’organisation :
Lucia Direnberger, Université Paris 7 Diderot, CSPRP, CEDREF :
Anna Jarry-Omarova, Université Paris 7 Diderot, CEDREF :
Iman Karzabi, Science Po, CERI, IEC :
4 juin
Réseau Asie - Pacifique / Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme
190, avenue de France - 75013 Paris
Programme :
. 9.00-9.30 : Opening Speech
Azadeh KIAN, University of Paris 7 Diderot, CEDREF, France and Anna JARRY-OMAROVA, CEDREF
. 9.30-10.00 : Theorizing Gender and Nation
Nira YUVAL-DAVIS, University of East London, United Kingdom
. 10.00-10.30 : Studying Gender and Nation in Post-communist Context
> Elena GAPOVA, Western Michigan University, United States of America
. 10.30-13.00 : Constructions and Representations of Gender Identities in Nation-building projects in Post-communist Countries
> Anna REKHVIASHVILI, Central European University, Hungary : “Nationalism and motherhood in contemporary Georgia”
> Iman KARZABI, Institute of Political Science of Paris, France : “Women and President Lukashenko’s nationalist ideology in Belarus”
> Diana KUDAIBERGENOVA, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom : “The representation of femininity and masculinity in the formation of national ideas and national symbols in Central Asia : between state and artist”
> Elira TURDUBAYEVA, Turkey Manas University, Kyrgyzstan : “Discursive construction of gender in the media in Kyrgyzstan : Representation of women in the television”
. 14.00-15.30 : Body, Sexuality and Nation
> Catherine POUJOL, National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, France : “From batche to goluboï, the course of a “social taboo” in Central Asia”
> Tohir KALANDAROV, Academy of Sciences, Russia : “Intimate Life of Female Migrants from Central Asia to Moscow”
> Mohira SUYARKULOVA, University of Saint Andrews, United Kingdom : “Power, glamour and discourse of dress in Central Asia”
. 15.30-17.00 : Collective Mobilizations of Women
> Lucia DIRENBERGER, University of Paris 7 Diderot, France : “What de-sovietization implies for women’s associations in Tajikistan ? Impacts of patriarchy as a state discourse on national identity”
> Joana HOARE, School of Oriental and African Studies, United Kingdom : “Doing gender activism in a donor-organized framework : constraints and opportunities in Kyrgyzstan”
> Maria DEIANA, Queen’s University, United Kingdom : “Fighting Against Windmills ? The Promises and Perils of Collective. Action in Post-Dayton Bosnia-Herzegovina”
. 17.30-18.30 : Conflicts, Borders and Gender
> Aksana ISMAILBEKOVA, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Germany : “Post Conflict Socio-Economic Situation : A Case of Conflict Affected Female-Headed Households in Osh, Kyrgyzstan”
> Isabella DAMIANI, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ulm, France : “Gender and Borders : cross-border issues in the valley of Ferghana”