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Appel à contributions

Perspectives on Technology and the Construction of Gender

Avant le 28 février

Date de mise en ligne : [05-02-2008]

Women’s World 2008 Conference

Madrid (Spain) 3-9 July 2008

Call For Papers :

The 10th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, "Women’s Worlds 2008" includes one day session on Women and Technology (July the 7th). It is organized by UMYC, FECYT, CSIC and AMIT .The session is entitled "Perspectives on Technology and the Construction of Gender". The session is part of the theme area "Science and Technology" and sub-theme "Women and Science".

We invite people interested in the theme of Women and Technology to submit their individual papers. Papers can be focused on the following topics :

. Scientist and technologist women in the information and knowledge society (conceptualisation, labour market…).

. Technologist women in the companies, NGOs, public institutions (decision-making positions, working male model…).

. Women in Higher Education (decision-making positions, working male model…).

. Mentorship (role, networks…).

Abstracts must be 250 words maximum. They must include the following
information :



Key Words




Proposals must be submitted at : alicia.miyares@mec.es

Submission Deadline : 28 February

Information regarding acceptance of proposals will be sent via e-mail from 18 April onwards.


E-mail : mmww08@unicongress.com

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