Università di Padova
Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology Ph.D. School in Social Sciences. Interactions, Communication and Cultural Constructions
12-13 octobre, Padoue (Italie)
The Conference – Lands of Strangers ? – starting from a variety of research on migration and on everyday urban life transculturation, would like to discuss the dynamics of differences-inequalities- citizenship, assuming an intersectionality approach.
On the horizon of multiplicity of differences, gender (that is not reducible to women neither to women-men dualism) and the racialized relationships emerge as fields of regulation and of symbolic power discourses on migrants, among migrants and on/among natives of different genders.
Inequalities too are articulated in the fields of cultural conflicts : between differences constructed by bio-politics and self-referred differences on the basis of supposed “original” myths.
The forms of substantive citizenship are segmented trough civic stratification that re-design class hierarchies between migrants and “natives”, so mach that the sense of their distinction is lost.
We are all “strangers” in multi-diversity societies : not necessarily foreigners or aliens, but all incorporated in relations that propose a certain degree of dissonance, of disclaimer anxiety, of co- presence to be verified. Let us observe ourselves in the city everyday life, where neither identity rhetoric nor the universalist cosmopolitism, either the efforts for a communicative action solve the feeling of our legs give way.
At the same time, we experience several rootings, even if in many borderlands, where the boundaries crossover requests capacities of self representation and action as outsider within. In this women – migrant and native – are particularly expert. We feel exposed to the vulnerability of encounters and to the necessity to construct some forms of social tie that make possible mutual care and responsibility, not only in the small spaces of everyday life. The differences surplus make possible unexpected forms of encounter and partial recognition, little predictable and visible, often hardly narrable.
We ask ourselves if on these bases – and on the present time dramatic crisis – is possible to create multi-level social ties, open and not casual, to face the strengths of superimposed powers. Can women and men cultivate new typologies of sociability and friendship, utilizing their different experiences of strangerness in the living spaces where everyday practices are exposed to many disconnections ?
Contact :
Francesca Alice Vianello, francescaalice.vianello@unipd.it