Accueil > Actualité du genre > Appels à contributions > Arab feminist media studies

Arab feminist media studies

Avant le 15 octobre

Date de mise en ligne : [03-09-2013]

Mots-clés : médias | monde arabe

Call for chapters (peer-reviewed edited volume)

Edited by Salam Al-Mahadin (Amman University, Jordan) and Ebtihal Mahadeen (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)

Despite the rise in academic interest in Arab media studies, the field remains largely unmapped, undertheorised and underexamined. With most studies focusing on the impact of news stations such as Aljazeera in shaping Arab public opinion, the representations of Arabs and Muslims in Western media, the Arab-Israeli conflict in Arab and western media, and studies of sociopolitical dimensions, very few studies engaged theoretically and empirically with gender in Arab media. This was felt very acutely in the aftermath of the “Arab Spring” which problematised the role of Arab media in mobilizing masses, creating new public spheres and defining the parameters of public engagement with newly-emerging post-Arab Spring governments. While these issues pertain to both men and women in the Arab world, a number of formulations and events were gender-specific and often played themselves out on talk shows, social media and newspapers. 
This book seeks to address the gap in Arab Feminist media studies by inviting contributions that would launch the field from a number of wide-ranging theoretical and empirical perspectives. Submissions must provide feminist/cultural/ or philosophical analyses of the media of Arab league countries or of Arabic speaking media more generally. We adopt a broad definition of media as a means of mass communication and therefore will accept studies focusing on broadcast, print, and online media.

We particularly welcome empirical and theoretical submissions around, but not limited to, the following themes :

- Representations of sexualities and gender in Arab media
- Media and Arab Feminism
- Gender and Arab public sphere
- Gender and communication policies
- The state, gender and media
- Gender and advertising
- Women, media and the Arab Spring.
- The juxtaposition and construction of Arab femininity and masculinity in the media
- The Secular/Islamist gender-related dichotomy on Arab media.
- The role of Arab first ladies, daughters and female members in ruling families in Arab media (for example, several first ladies and daughters have established media/film centers and institutions).
- Gender in children’s programming on Arab television
- Representations of Arab First ladies in Western media vs. Arab media.
- Gender and social media
- The gendered access to the media and its political dimensions
- The intersection between producer, text, and consumer and how it produces gendered representations in Arab media

Chapter proposals of 300 words must be submitted to (arabfms@gmail.com) by 15 October 2013. Peer reviewing of abstracts and selection decisions will be made by 31 October 2013, and chapter length and citation specifications will be sent to the selected authors. Full chapters must be submitted by 1 May 2014. For any queries, please contact (arabfms@gmail.com).

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