« Studying up » : compte-rendu par Howard Becker

Howard Becker, sociologue américain auteur de Outsiders, propose dans « Public Books », un compte-rendu de Voyage de classes le dernier livre de Nicolas Jounin :

Nicolas Jounin, author of Voyage de classes, teaches sociology at the Université de Paris VIII. It’s located in the poorer outskirts of Paris, what’s called the banlieue, where he himself grew up. Almost all his beginning graduate students come from the poorer classes (les classes populaires), French but mostly of African or Muslim descent. Thinking about Nader’s critique, he made her injunction the basis of a class, and sent his students to do fieldwork in the beaux quartiers, Paris’ 8th arrondissement, whose social class ranking reveals itself when you learn that the three quartiers the students studied (a different one each year) included the Champs Élysées and Avenue Montaigne, some of the most elegant and expensive shopping areas in the city. Working there, they would really be studying up, and would experience the complications of studying the rich and learn how to handle them….
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