at Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW),
Mannheim 28/29 March 2008
Workshop on Keynote speakers
. Lena Edlund (Columbia University)
. Lawrence Kahn (Cornell University)
. Michael Keane (University of Technology Sydney)
Scientific committee
. Christian Dustmann (University College London), Bernd Fitzenberger (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, ZEW), Olaf Hübler (Leibniz University Hannover), Kornelius Kraft (University of Dortmund, ZEW), Stephen Machin (University College London, London School of Economics), Elke Wolf (University of Applied Science, Munich)
The workshop focuses on theoretical and empirical research on gender in the labour market.
This includes : analysis of gender differences in pre-market human capital, experience, seniority, occupations, earnings, wealth, training and mobility ; changing gender roles in changing economies, theories of discrimination ; the family as an economic unit ; the role of marriage markets ; time allocation ; policies affecting paid work and family ; the impact of welfare reform
on single mothers ; gender differences in different countries. We would also welcome any papers in other areas looking at gender related questions.
. Deadline for paper submission : 3 January 2008
. Decision for acceptance made by : 1 February 2008
Please send a title and a paper as electronic copy to Olaf Hübler
Travel and accommodation for speakers of accepted papers (one speaker per paper) will be paid for. The conference is sponsored through the research network “Flexibility in heterogeneous labour markets” (Flexibilisierungspotenziale bei heterogenen Arbeitsmärkten) by the
German Research Foundation.
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