L?amour de Marie (Marian rakkaus)
Partition Originale
Kortekangas, Olli (1955-)
Auteur(s) du texte
Rintala, Paavo (en finnois)
Eventuelle(s) définition(s) du genre par le(s) auteur(s)
2e Partie de la trilogie « L?Age des rêves » (1ere partie de Hermann Rechberger (?nunc et semper?) et 3e partie de Kalevi Aho (Salaisuuksien kirja, Le
Effectif instrumental et vocal
Marie, une jeune femme, mezzo-soprano
Paul, théologue et écrivain, baryton
Blazer, baryton-basse
Wolf, un dictateur, ténor
Général Janos, chef de la conspiration, basse
La mère, alto
Bonbon, danseuse / portefeuille parlant, soprano
Détectives : ténor, baryton

Choeur d?adultes et choeur d?enfants

Année de composition
Date de création jj/mm/aaaa
FI ? Savonlinna, Festival
Chef d'orchestre
Osmo Vänskä
Metteur en scène
Jussi Tapola
Hannu Lindholm
Marie, une jeune femme, Monica Groop
Paul, théologue et écrivain, Hannu Niemelä
Blazer, Juha Kotilainen
Wolf, un dictateur, Aki Alamikkotervo
Général Janos, chef de la conspiration, Esa Ruuttunen
La mère, Anna-Lisa Jakobsson
Bonbon, danseuse / portefeuille parlant, Tiina Vahevaara
Détectives : Partti Mäkelä, Jaakko Kortekangas
Un garçon (mime), Tero Lehtimetsä

Costumes : Sari Suominen
Chef de choeur : Kyösti Haatanen
Chef de ch?ur des enfants : Leena Astikainen
Lumières : Timo Alhanen
Maquillage : Marjo Riihimäki

Roseline Kassap-Riefenstahl
Partition éditée par
Warner/Chappell Music Finland
Roseline Kassap-Riefenstahl
Notes de programme

The second part of the trilogy, Marian rakkaus (Maria’s Love) by Olli Kortekangas (b. 1955), is based on a book by the librettist Paavo Rintala (1930-1999) appearing a few years ago. This opera lasts just over an hour and is set in 20th century Europe. It is based on a real story about a young woman and her betrothed, a well-known theologian and writer who died a martyr to his religious and political convictions.

It is wartime in a totalitarian state. Paul is arrested for his part in a plot to assassinate the dictator, Wolf. General Janos, leader of the conspiracy, brings his colleagues news of Paul’s arrest. Maria and Paul meet first in their dreams, then in prison. Maria begs him not to sully their love with blood. Paul assures her of his love for her but says he must heed the call of Christ. Alongside the story of Maria and Paul the opera is witness to a showdown between the evil Blazer and Wolf. Blazer is determined to keep Wolf in his powerful grip. He prevents the dictator from being assassinated, but at the same time Janos is exposed.

The enemy is approaching the city and the war will soon be over. A procession of children bearing lanterns passes singing towards the church, led by Maria. Some drunken soldiers mock Maria. While awaiting his sentence in prison, Paul meets Blazer, who offers him a chance of escape. Paul declines the offer and remains alone, speculating on his fate. Blazer abandons Wolf, who realises his end is near. In the last scene Maria is in the chapel, where she receives news of Paul’s execution and his final message to her: ”This is the end, for me the beginning of a new order.”

”My opera is about the conflict between ends and means, and the apparently unresolved battle between good and evil, both in the human soul and in the community. But it is also a sort of survival story - a contemporary credo about the force of intellectual integrity, ethical principles and unconditional love that is able to overcome despair, catastrophe and even death,” the composer reports.

Source: Centre de Musique de Finlande